


 *Submitted for verification at on 2022-05-12

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//  '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
//  Version: 2
//  May 9, 2022

pragma solidity 0.8.13;

abstract contract IERC20
    function transfer(address to, uint value) virtual external returns (bool);

struct PaymentTierSettings
    uint256 ratePerSecond;
    uint256 timeMaximum;
    uint256 timeMinimum;
    bool enabled;

struct PaymentEntry
    bool exists;
    uint endTimestamp;

contract SnowsightManager
    address public admin;
    address public feeCollector;
    uint8 public constant version = 2;

    enum paymentTierTypes 
    uint constant numPaymentTiers = 3;
    PaymentTierSettings[numPaymentTiers] public tierSettings;

    mapping(address => PaymentEntry[numPaymentTiers]) public payments;

    event AccountPayment(address account, uint256 payment, uint256 endTimestamp);

        admin = msg.sender;
        feeCollector = msg.sender;
        for (uint i = 0 ; i < numPaymentTiers; i++)
            tierSettings[i].enabled = true;

        tierSettings[uint(paymentTierTypes.FREE)].ratePerSecond = 1;
        tierSettings[uint(paymentTierTypes.STANDARD)].ratePerSecond = 3360215053763; 
        tierSettings[uint(paymentTierTypes.PRIORITY)].ratePerSecond = 12445240939864;

        tierSettings[uint(paymentTierTypes.FREE)].timeMaximum = 1 days;
        tierSettings[uint(paymentTierTypes.STANDARD)].timeMaximum = 60 days;
        tierSettings[uint(paymentTierTypes.PRIORITY)].timeMaximum = 60 days;

        tierSettings[uint(paymentTierTypes.FREE)].timeMinimum = 1 days;
        tierSettings[uint(paymentTierTypes.STANDARD)].timeMinimum = 3 days;
        tierSettings[uint(paymentTierTypes.PRIORITY)].timeMinimum = 3 days;

    modifier onlyValidTier(uint tier) {
       require (tier < numPaymentTiers);

    modifier onlyAdmin {
        require (msg.sender == admin, "ERR_ADMIN_PROTECT");

    // Function to receive Ether. must be empty
    receive() external payable {}

    // Fallback function is called when is not empty
    fallback() external payable {}

    function setAdmin(address payable newAdmin) external onlyAdmin
        admin = newAdmin;

    function setFeeCollector(address payable newfeeCollector) external onlyAdmin
        feeCollector = newfeeCollector;

    function setPaymentsEnabled(uint tier, bool enabled) external onlyAdmin onlyValidTier(tier)
        tierSettings[tier].enabled = enabled;

    function setPaymentRatePerSecond(uint tier, uint256 newPaymentRatePerSecond) external onlyAdmin onlyValidTier(tier)
        tierSettings[tier].ratePerSecond = newPaymentRatePerSecond;

    function setMaximumPaymentTime(uint tier, uint256 newPaymentTimeMaximum) external onlyAdmin onlyValidTier(tier)
        tierSettings[tier].timeMaximum = newPaymentTimeMaximum;

    function setMinimumPaymentTime(uint tier, uint256 newPaymentTimeMinimum) external onlyAdmin onlyValidTier(tier)
        tierSettings[tier].timeMinimum = newPaymentTimeMinimum;

    function calculateMaxPayment(uint tier) public onlyValidTier(tier) view returns (uint256)
        return calculate_max_payment(msg.sender, tier);

    function calculateMinPayment(uint tier) public onlyValidTier(tier) view returns (uint256)
        return tierSettings[tier].timeMinimum * tierSettings[tier].ratePerSecond;

    function calculatePaymentByTierAndTime(uint tier, uint256 _seconds) public onlyValidTier(tier) view returns (uint256)
        uint256 payment = _seconds * tierSettings[tier].ratePerSecond;

        require (payment <= calculate_max_payment(msg.sender, tier), "ERROR_PAYMENT_TOO_LARGE");
        require (payment >= tierSettings[tier].timeMinimum * tierSettings[tier].ratePerSecond, "ERROR_PAYMENT_TOO_SMALL");

        return payment;

    function calculate_max_payment(address payer, uint tier) internal view returns (uint256)
        uint256 maxPayment = 0;

        if (payments[payer][tier].exists && payments[payer][tier].endTimestamp > block.timestamp)
            maxPayment = (tierSettings[tier].timeMaximum - (payments[payer][tier].endTimestamp - block.timestamp)) * tierSettings[tier].ratePerSecond;
            maxPayment = tierSettings[tier].timeMaximum * tierSettings[tier].ratePerSecond;

        return maxPayment;

    function pay(uint tier) external payable onlyValidTier(tier)
        require (tierSettings[tier].enabled == true, "ERROR_PAYMENTS_DISABLED");
        require (msg.value <= calculate_max_payment(msg.sender, tier), "ERROR_PAYMENT_TOO_LARGE");
        require (msg.value >= calculateMinPayment(tier), "ERROR_PAYMENT_TOO_SMALL");

        if (payments[msg.sender][tier].exists)
            if (payments[msg.sender][tier].endTimestamp > block.timestamp)
                // account has a payment active
                payments[msg.sender][tier].endTimestamp = payments[msg.sender][tier].endTimestamp + (msg.value / tierSettings[tier].ratePerSecond);
                // account exists, but payment expired
                payments[msg.sender][tier].endTimestamp = block.timestamp + (msg.value / tierSettings[tier].ratePerSecond);
            // account does not exist yet
            payments[msg.sender][tier].exists = true;
            payments[msg.sender][tier].endTimestamp = block.timestamp + (msg.value / tierSettings[tier].ratePerSecond);

        emit AccountPayment(msg.sender, msg.value, payments[msg.sender][tier].endTimestamp);

    function grant(address[] calldata addresses, uint256[] calldata timestamps, uint8[] calldata tiers) onlyAdmin external
        for (uint i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++)
            if (payments[addresses[i]][tiers[i]].exists == false)
                payments[addresses[i]][tiers[i]].exists = true;

            payments[addresses[i]][tiers[i]].endTimestamp = timestamps[i];

    function transferEth(uint256 amount) onlyAdmin external

    function transferToken(address tokenAddress, uint256 amount) onlyAdmin external
        IERC20 token = IERC20(tokenAddress);
        token.transfer(msg.sender, amount);

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